Stilbite is one of the many species belonging to the zeolite group of minerals.  Stilbite is a hydrous sodium calcium aluminosilicate (NaCa2Al5Si13O36·14H2O).  As do all zeolites, stilbite tends to fill or partially fill voids (vesicles) in volcanic lavas.  Stilbite forms sheaths or bundles of crystals, often as bowtie-shaped masses.  It is usually whitish in color, but can also be brownish, yellowish, or reddish.


Stilbite (field of view ~4.0 cm across)



Stilbite (pinkish-peach) & fluorapophyllite (pale blue), from India.  Fluorapophyllite is a hydrous potassium calcuim hydroxy-fluorosilicate (KCa4(F,OH)(Si8O20)·8H20).

(CM public display, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)



Stilbite from Poona, India.



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