ŇAzul Bahia GraniteÓ from eastern Brazil has the
reputation for being a very expensive decorative stone. It's distinctive
in having considerable non-iridescent blue coloration. ŇAzul Bahia
GraniteÓ is a sodalite metasyenite (a.k.a. sodalite foyaite,
sodalite foidolite) having sodalite (blue) (Na4(Al3Si3)O12Cl),
feldspars & feldspathoids (white), mafic minerals (black), and epidote
(greenish) (Ca2FeAl2(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)).
It comes from the Itabuna Syenite Complex, a late Neoproterozoic unit
(about 676 million years) that intruded through the S‹o Francisco Craton.
commercial quarry at Fazenda Hiassu, city of Itaju do Colonia, southeastern
Bahia State, eastern Brazil.
Sodalite metasyenite (ŇAzul Bahia GraniteÓ)